This concentration proceeds by the Idea, using thought, form and name as keys which yield up to the concentrating mind
the Truth that lies concealed behind all thought, form and name. By concentration upon the Idea the mental existence
which at present we are breaks open the barrier of our mentality and arrives at the state of consciousness, the
state of being, the state of power of conscious-being and bliss of conscious-being to which the Idea corresponds
and of which it is the symbol, movement and rhythm. Concentration by the Idea is, then, only a means, a key to
open us to the superconscient planes of our existence; a certain self-gathered state of our whole existence lifted
into that superconscient truth, unity and infinity of self-aware, self-blissful existence is the aim and culmination;
and that is the meaning we shall give to the term Samadhi.
Eternity drew close disguised as Love
And laid its hand upon the body of Time.
A little gift comes from the Immensitudes,
But measureless to life its gain of joy;
All the untold Beyond is mirrored there.