Self-will in thought and action has, we have already seen, to be quite renounced
if we would be perfect in the way of divine works; it has equally to be renounced if we are to be perfect in divine
knowledge. This Self-will means an egoism in the mind which attaches itself to its preferences, its habits, its
past or present formations of thought and view
and will because it regards them as itself or its own, weaves around them the delicate threads of "I-ness"
and "my-ness" and lives in them like a spider in its web. It hates to be disturbed as a spider hates
attack on its web, and feels foreign and unhappy if transplanted to fresh viewpoints and formations as a spider
feels foreign in another web than its own. This attachment must be entirely excised from the mind. Not only must
we give up the ordinary attitude to the world and life to which the unawakened mind clings as its natural element;
but we must not remain bound in any mental construction of our own or in any intellectual thought-system or arrangement
of religious dogmas or logical conclusions; we must not only cut asunder the snare of the mind and the senses,
but flee also beyond the snare of the thinker, the snare of the theologian and the church-builder, the meshes of
the Word and the bondage of the Idea. All these are within us waiting to wall in the spirit with forms; but we
must always go beyond, always renounce the lesser for the greater, the finite for the Infinite; we must be prepared
to proceed from illumination to illumination, from experience to experience, from soul-state to soul-state so as
to reach the utmost transcendence of the Divine and its utmost universality. Nor must we attach ourselves even
to the truths we hold most securely, for they are but forms and expressions of the Ineffable who refuses to limit
himself to any form or expression; always we must keep ourselves open to the higher Word from above that does not
confine itself to its own sense and the light of the Thought that carries in it its own opposites.
In the ordinary Nature we live in the Ignorance and do not know the Divine. The forces of the ordinary Nature are undivine forces because they weave a veil of ego and desire and unconsciousness which conceals the Divine from us. To get into the higher and deeper consciousness which knows and lives luminously in the Divine, we have to get rid of the forces of the lower nature and open to the action of the Divine Shakti which will transform our consciousness into that of Divine Nature.
Only for good the secret Will can work.
Our destiny is written in double terms:
Through Nature's contraries we draw near God;
Out of darkness we still grow to light.