Even before the tranquillising purification of the outer nature has been effected
or before it is sufficient, one can still break down the wall screening our inner being from our outer awareness
by a strong force of call and aspiration, a vehement will or violent effort or an effective discipline or process; but this may
be a premature movement and is not without its serious dangers. In entering within one may find oneself amidst
a chaos of unfamiliar and supernormal experiences to which one has not the key or a press of subliminal or cosmic
forces, subconscient, mental, vital, subtle-physical, which may unduly sway or chaotically drive the being, encircle
it in a cave of darkness, or keep it wandering in a wilderness of glamour, allurement, deception, or push it into
an obscure battlefield full of secret and treacherous and misleading or open and violent oppositions; beings and
voices and influences may appear to the inner sense and vision and hearing claiming to be the Divine Being or His
messengers or Powers and Godheads of the Light or guides of the path to realisation, while in truth they are of
a very different character. If there is too much egoism in the nature of the seeker or a strong passion or an excessive
ambition, vanity or other dominating weakness, or an obscurity of the mind or a vacillating will or a weakness
of the life-force or an unsteadiness in it or want of balance, he is likely to be seized on through these deficiencies
and to be frustrated or to deviate, misled from the true way of the inner life and seeking into false paths, or
to be left wandering about in an intermediate chaos of experiences and fail to find his way out into the true realisation.
These perils were well-known to a past spiritual experience and have been met by imposing the necessity of initiation,
of discipline, of methods of purification and testing by ordeal, of an entire submission to the directions of the
path-finder or path-leader, one who has realised the Truth and himself possesses and is able to communicate the
light, the experience, a guide who is strong to take by the hand and carry over difficult passages as well as to
instruct and point out the way. But even so the dangers will be there and can only be surmounted if there is or
there grows up a complete sincerity, a will for purity, a readiness for obedience to the Truth, for surrender to
the Highest, a readiness to lose or to subject to a divine yoke the limiting and self-affirming ego. These things
are the sign that the true will for realisation, for conversion of the consciousness, for transformation is there,
the necessary stage of the evolution has been reached: in that condition the defects of nature which belong to
the human being cannot be a permanent obstacle to the change from the mental to the spiritual status; the process
may never be entirely easy, but the way will have been made open and practicable.
Let Fate do with me what she will or can;
I am stronger than death and greater than my fate;
My love shall outlast the world, doom falls from me
Helpless against my immortality.
Fate's law may change, but not my spirit's will.