The human soul’s individual liberation and enjoyment of union with the Divine
in spiritual being, consciousness
and delight must always be the first object of the Yoga; its free enjoyment of the cosmic unity of the Divine becomes
a second object; but out of that a third appears, the effectuation of the meaning of the divine unity with all
beings by a sympathy and participation in the spiritual purpose of the Divine in humanity. The individual Yoga
then turns from its separateness and becomes a part of the collective Yoga of the divine Nature in the human race.
The liberated individual being, united with the Divine in self and spirit, becomes in his natural being a self-perfecting
instrument for the perfect outflowering of the Divine in humanity.
The liberation of the individual soul is therefore the keynote of the definite divine action; it is the primary divine necessity and the pivot on which all else turns. It is the point of Light at which the intended complete self-manifestation in the Many begins to emerge. But the liberated soul extends its perception of unity horizontally as well as vertically. Its unity with the transcendent One is incomplete without its unity with the cosmic Many. And that lateral unity translates itself by a multiplication, a reproduction of its own liberated state at other points in the Multiplicity. ... Therefore, whenever even a single soul is liberated, there is a tendency to an extension and even to an outburst of the same divine self-consciousness in other individual souls of our terrestrial humanity and, — who knows? — perhaps even beyond the terrestrial consciousness. Where shall we fix the limit of that extension? Is it altogether a legend which says of the Buddha that as he stood on the threshold of Nirvana, of the Non-Being, his soul turned back and took the vow never to make the irrevocable crossing so long as there was a single being upon earth undelivered from the knot of the suffering, from the bondage of the ego?
The Absolute, the Perfect, the Immune,
One who is in us as our secret self,
Our mask of imperfection has assumed,
He has made this tenement of flesh his own,
His image in the human measure cast
That to his divine measure we might rise.