As soon as the sight, for example, becomes altered under the influence of the
supramental seeing, the eye gets a new and transfigured vision of things and of the world around us. Its sight acquires an extraordinary totality and an immediate
and embracing precision in which the whole and every detail stand out at once in the complete harmony and vividness
of the significance meant by Nature in the object and its realisation of the idea in form, executed in a triumph
of substantial being. It is as if the eye of the poet and artist had replaced the vague or trivial unseeing normal
vision, but singularly spiritualised and glorified, — as if indeed it were the sight of the supreme divine Poet and Artist in which we were participating
and there were given to us the full seeing of his truth and intention in his design of the universe and of each
thing in the universe. There is an unlimited intensity which makes all that is seen a revelation of the glory of
quality and idea and form and colour. The physical eye seems then to carry in itself a spirit and a consciousness
which sees not only the physical aspect of the object but the soul of quality in it, the vibration of energy, the
light and force and spiritual substance of which it is made. Thus there comes through the physical sense to the
total sense consciousness within and behind the vision a revelation of the soul of the thing seen and of the universal
Spirit that is expressing itself in this objective form of its own conscious being.
There is at the same time a subtle change which makes the sight see in a sort of fourth dimension, the character of which is a certain internality, the seeing not only of the superficies and the outward form but of that which informs it and subtly extends around it.
The high gods look on man and watch and choose
Today's impossibles for the future's base.
His transience trembles with the Eternal's touch,
His barriers cede beneath the Infinite's tread;
The Immortals have their entries in his life;
The Ambassadors of the Unseen draw near.