The subconscient lies between this Inconscient and the conscious mind, life and
body. It contains the potentiality of all the primitive reactions to life which struggle out to the surface from the dull and inert strands
of Matter and form by a constant development a slowly evolving and self-formulating consciousness; it contains
them not as ideas, perceptions or conscious reactions but as the fluid substance of these things. But also all
that is consciously experienced sinks down into the subconscient, not as precise though submerged memories but
as obscure yet obstinate impressions of experience, and these can come up at any time as dreams, as mechanical
repetitions of past thought, feelings, action, etc., as ‘‘complexes’’ exploding into action and event, etc., etc.
The subconscient is the main cause why all things repeat themselves and nothing ever gets changed except in appearance.
The subconscient and the superconscient are two different formulations of the same All. The master-word of the
subconscient is Life, the master-word of the superconscient is Light. In the subconscient knowledge or consciousness
is involved in action, for action is the essence of Life. In the superconscient action re-enters into Light and
no longer contains involved knowledge but is itself contained in a supreme consciousness.
A decent into the subconscient would not help us to explore this region, for it would plunge us into incoherence or into sleep or a dull trance or a comatose torpor. A mental scrutiny or insight can give us some indirect and constructive idea of these hidden activities; but it is only by drawing back into the subliminal or by ascending into the superconscient and from there looking down or extending ourselves into these obscure depths that we can become directly and totally aware and in control of the secrets of our subconscient physical, vital and mental nature.
Man harbours dangerous forces in his house.
The Titan and the Fury and the Djinn
Lie bound in the subconscient's cavern pit
And the Beast grovels in his antre den.