The external forms of our being are those of our small egoistic existence; the
subliminal are the formations of
our larger true individuality. Therefore are these that concealed part of our being in which our individuality
is close to our universality, touches it, is in constant relation and commerce with it. The subliminal mind in
us is open to the universal knowledge of the cosmic Mind, the subliminal life in us to the universal force of the
cosmic Life, the subliminal physicality in us to the universal force-formation of cosmic Matter; the thick walls
which divide from these things our surface mind, life, body and which Nature has to pierce with so much trouble,
so imperfectly and by so many skilful-clumsy physical devices, are there, in the subliminal, only a rarefied medium
at once of separation and communication.
Our subliminal self is not, like our surface physical being, an outcome of the energy of the Inconscient; it is a meeting-place of the consciousness that emerges from below by evolution and the consciousness that has descended from above for involution. There is in it an inner mind, an inner vital being of ourselves, an inner or subtle-physical being larger than our outer being and nature. This inner existence is the concealed origin of almost all in our surface self that is not a construction of the first inconscient World-Energy or a natural developed functioning of our surface consciousness or a reaction of it to impacts from the outside universal Nature, - and even in this construction, these functionings, these reactions the subliminal takes part and exercises on them a considerable influence.
Again behind our mind, our life, our conscious physical there is a larger subliminal consciousness, - there are inner mental, inner vital, inner more subtle physical reaches supported by an inmost psychic existence which is the animating soul of all the rest; and in these hidden reaches too lie a mass of numerous pre-existent personalities which supply the material, the motive-forces, the impulsions of our developing surface existence.
Messengers from our subliminal greatnesses,
Guests from the cavern of the secret soul.
Into dim spiritual somnolence they break
Or shed wide wonder on our waking self,
Ideas that haunt us with their radiant tread,
Dreams that are hints of unborn Reality.