It is true that the glimpse of supraphysical realities acquired by methodical
research has been imperfect and is yet ill-affirmed; for the methods used are still crude and defective. But subtle senses have atleast been found to
be true witness to physical facts beyond the range of the corporeal organs. The worlds beyond exist: they have
their universal rhythm, their grand lines and formations, their self-existent laws and mighty energies, their just
and luminous means of knowledge. And here on our physical existence and in our physical body they exercise their
influences; here also they organise their means of manifestations and commission their messengers and their witnesses.
When the laws and forces of the supraphysical are studied with the right starting-point, the means will infallibly
be found for Mind directly to seize on the physical energy and speed it accurately on its errand. There, once we
begin ourselves to recognise it, lie the gates that open upon the enormous vistas of the future.
A Truth occult has made this mighty world:
The Eternal's wisdom and self-knowledge act
In ignorant Mind and in the body's steps.
The Inconscient is the Superconscient's sleep.