And if his presence is felt behind the veil, yet is it like the winter sun behind
clouds and saves not from the rain and snow and the calamitous storm and the harsh wind and the bitter cold and the grey of a sorrowful atmosphere and the
dun weary dullness. Doubtless the help is there even when it seems to be withdrawn, but still is there the appearance
of total night with no sun to come and no star of hope to pierce the blackness.
Beautiful is the face of the Divine Mother, but she too can be hard and terrible. Nay, then, is immortality a plaything to be given lightly to a child or the divine life a prize without effort or the crown for a weakling? Strive rightly and thou shalt have; trust and thy trust shall in the end be justified; but the dread Law of the Way is there and none can change it.
To meet its luminous self of Truth and Bliss.
It pears at the Real through the apparent form;
It labours in our mortal mind and sense;
Amid the figures of the Ignorance,
In the symbol pictures drawn by word and thought,
It seeks the truth to which all figures point.