We may train our mentality not to seize, as it does now, upon every separate
flash of intuitive illumination for its own inferior purposes, not to precipate our thought at once into a crystallising intellectual action around it;
we can train it to think in a stream of successive and connected intuitions, to pour light upon light in a brilliant
and triumphant series. We shall succeed in this difficult change in proportion as we purify the interfering intelligence,
- if we can reduce in it the element of material thought enslaved to the external appearance of things, the element
of vital thought enslaved to the wishes, desires, impulses of the lower nature, the element of intellectual thought
enslaved to our preferred, already settled or congenial ideas, conceptions, opinions, fixed operations of intelligence,
if, having reduced to a minimum those elements, we can replace them by an intuitive vision and sense of things,
an intuitive sight into appearances, an intuitive will, and intuitive ideation.
The knowledge of the thinker and the seer
Saw the unseen and thought the unthinkable,
Opened the enormous doors of the unknown,
Rent Man's horizons into infinity.