Our human will is misled and wandering ray that has parted from the supreme Puissance.
The period of slow emergence out of this lower working into a higher light and purer force is the valley of the shadow of death for the striver
after perfection; it is a dreadful passage full of trials, sufferings, sorrows, obscurations, stumblings, errors,
pitfalls. To bridge and alleviate this ordeal or to penetrate with the divine light faith is necessary, an increasing
surrender of the mind to the knowledge that imposes itself from within and, above all, a true aspiration and a
right and unfaltering and sincere practice. When the individual soul is entirely at one in its being and knowledge
with the Lord and directly in touch with the original Shakti, the transcendent Mother, the supreme Will can then
arise in us too in the high divine manner as a thing that must be and is achieved by the spontaneous action of
Nature. There is then no desire, no responsibility, no reaction; all takes place in the peace, calm, light, power
of the supporting and enveloping and inhabiting Divine.
Amid the trivial sounds, the unchanging scene
Her soul arose confronting Time and Fate,
Immobile in herself, she gathered force.