Our object is to change into the divine nature, but the divine nature is not
a mental or moral but a spiritual condition, difficult to achieve, difficult even to conceive by our intelligence. The Master of our work and our Yoga knows
the thing to be done, and we must allow him to do it in us by his own means and in his own manner. The first step
on this long path is to consecrate all our works as a sacrifice to the Divine in us and in the world. The second
step is to renounce attachment to the fruit of our works; for the only true, inevitable and utterly desirable fruit
of sacrifice — the one thing needful - is the Divine Presence and the Divine Consciousness and Power in us, and
if that is gained, all else will be added. The third step is to get rid of the central egoism and even the ego-sense
of the worker.
A few shall see what none yet understands;
God shall grow up while the wise men talk and sleep;
For man shall not know the coming till its hour
And belief shall be not till the work is done.