It is evident that however much we may analyse the physical and sensible, we
cannot by that means arrive at the
Knowledge of the Self or of ourselves or of that which we call God. The telescope, the microscope, the scalpel,
the retort and alembic cannot go beyond the physical, although they may arrive at subtler and subtler truths about
the physical. If then we confine ourselves to what the senses and their physical aids reveal to us and refuse from
the beginning to admit any other reality or any other means of knowledge, we are obliged to conclude nothing is
real except the physical and that there is no Self in us or in the universe, no God within and without, no ourselves
even except this aggregate of brain, nerves and body. But this we are only obliged to conclude because we have
assumed it firmly from the beginning and therefore cannot but circle round to our original assumption.
If, then, there is a Self, a Reality not oblivious to the senses, it must be by other means than those of physical Science that it is to be sought and known. The intellect is not that means.
The Illimitable they measured with number’s rods
And traced the last formula of limited things,
In transparent systems bodied termless truths,
The Timeless made accountable to Time
And valued the incommensurable Supreme.
To park and hedge the ungrasped infinitudes
They erected absolute walls of thought and speech
And made a vacuum to hold the One.