Our physical part has to give up its instincts, needs, blind conservative attachments,
settled grooves of nature, its doubt
and disbelief in all that is beyond itself, its faith in the inevitability of the fixed functionings of the physical
mind, the physical life and the body, that they may be replaced by a new power which establishes its own greater
law and functioning in form and force of Matter...
The supramental creation, since it is to be a creation upon earth, must be not only an inner change but a physical and external manifestation also. And it is precisely for this part of the work, the most difficult of all, that surrender is mot needful; for this reason, that it is the actual descent of the supramental Divine into Matter and the working of the Divine Presence and Power there that can alone make the physical and external change possible. Even the most powerful self-assertion of human will and endeavour is impotent to bring it about; as for egoistic insistence and vital revolt, they are, so long as they last, insuperable obstacles to the descent. Only a calm, pure and surrendered physical consciousness, full of the psychic aspiration, can be its field; this alone can make the effective opening of the material being to the Light and Power and the supramental change a thing actual and practicable.
In the world's contacts meet his single touch;
All things shall fold thee into his embrace.
Conquer thy heart's throbs, let thy heart beat in God.